
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Paul's thorn in the flesh

 BY Argie Simonis

One scripture that has been used to justify sickness among believers is the one that makes referrence to the thorn in Paul's flesh in 2Cor. 2:7, that thorn which God not take away. Many Christians remain in bondage of sickness with no hope for healing because they have been made to believe that the sickness is the thorn in their flesh which God, just like in Paul's case will not take away. 

The phrase "thorn in the flesh" was not original with Paul. We can read in Numbers 33:55 (prick in your eyes and thorns in your sides), Joshua 23:13, Judges 2:3.

People believe it was sickness from God to keep Paul humble. That is not the case. It was persecution that came from the devil to make people think twice about accepting the gospel, because of the persecution that comes with it. 

The use of the word "infirmities" is not referring to some type of sickness. In context with verse 9 it is referring to persecution. Paul makes it clear that satan was the author of this thorn, not God. The reason God didn't take Paul's thorn away was because believers are not redeemed from persecution. 2Tim. 3:12 says that by living godly in Christ you shall suffer persecution. If the Lord stopped all persecutions against His followers, Saul would never become the apostle Paul. He was one of the leaders of persecution against Christians (Acts 9:1) The Lord didn't redeem Stephen from persecution but used it to glorify Himself and prick the heart of the future apostle Paul. God still loves those who persecute Him (Luke 23:34)

People also place the responsibility on God for that thorn and that the devil can only do what God allows him to do. That is not the case here. God is not the author of people's problems. Paul suffered persecution everywhere (Acts 20:23). This messenger of satan was a demonic spirit that was raising people to come against Paul. These attacks were reproaches, persecutions and distress for the sake of Christ.

When it comes to the "should be exalted above measure" in verse 7, it speaks about the promise of God that He will exalt His true believers (Psalms 37:34, 92:10 and Mat. 23:12).

Don't forget that because of the "abundance of the revelations" Paul is the author of half of the N.T. His pride was not in himself, but in the Lord. There is a godly pride the same way that there is a godly anger and a godly fear. 

So, while it is scriptural that you face persecution in ministry or as you serve God, because the devil will send his messengers to vex you, sickness is never God's will for your life. There is no point in trying using the scriptures to justify sickness, whose price Jesus paid for on the cross. Amen!

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