
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prayer for Restoration.


Lord Jesus… My King…. Forgive me for not trusting tottaly in You… Forgive me for not put You first in my life…. I am asking for a new start….. A new beggining!

What is impossible for You? Everything is in Your hands! My soul rejoicing as i’m thinking that through You I AM the WINNER! You defeated the forces of darkness and triumphed over evil! No evil can have power in my life! If You’re with me who or what can be against me? …….ALLTHINGS are possible for those who believe! HELP ME IN MY FAITH!

Lift over me the doubt and the unbelief…. I deny everything that takes me away from Your heart and Your promises………….

A new beggining!

What is impossible for You? Everything is in Your hands! My soul rejoicing as i’m thinking that through You I AM the WINNER!

Restore my life and my relation ship with you!

i believe that in you i am an overcomer……

i believe that you will not forsake me……….

i believe that you will lead me……….. i am blessed…….

i am healed…………. i am your chosen people……….. you died for my sake ……….. i am forgiven………. i am the fruit of the pain of your soul………… you have plans for my life………… no weapon that was formed against me will prosper………….

i brake every curse from my life in the powerful name of jesus christ…………..

i deny every evil work in my self…………

i will not turn to the old ways……………

i declaire obedience over my heart…….

i forgive those you have hurted me ………………………

i’m gonna walk into your plans……………………

i ask you to open the way and let your will be done in my ife……………………..

i agree for your will that is good and perfect for me………….

Please forgive me for all my sins!

in the almighty name of jesus christ i ask you to help me receive the supernatural power of heaven ……………… fill me with the holy spirit so i can be strong……..

My hope is in you dear Lord and my God! I know that in my weakness, you’re strong …….. savior ………… redeemer ……….. the only one who can set me free! thank you for your mercy and grace! thank you for the healing! thank you for the restoration!you are worthy for all the glory and the honor and the adoration!

I know that i will not be ashamed because i have believed in you!!!thank you that you will do more things than what we ask or imagine!i prayed in the powerful name of jesus christ and through the holy spirit.

Amen and amen.

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