
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Healing is your birthright and it is yours

  BY Argie Simonis  

"by whose stripes you were healed." 1Peter 2:24

How many times have you wondered: Is God healing today, and if so, where is it? How can I experience it?
You think healing works, but you do not know how.

You may know someone who hopes and waits for healing, but it does not happen. Maybe this someone is you. This is definitely something that can shake your faith, but there is something very important for you to know:

Healing is part of the salvation "package" of our Christ's redemptive work on the cross. See what the apostle Peter says here:

"Who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live to righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed." 1Peter 2:24

Jesus was wounded to provide healing for you! It is one of the things the Lord has redeemed for us through His sacrifice. The problem is that many do not allow the Bible to correct their wrong theology, such as:
"God heals but not all the time. Sometimes it is not His will "

But how can you disagree with the above statement of Peter, who actually speaks in the past tense? Healing has already been provided.

Many people believe that God wants them to be healthy, but they do not understand how it works. I do not understand everything either. I have not reached my final destination yet, but I have started my journey and I have seen awesome miracles with my own eyes! My wife Peggy and I have been members of a large church prayer group and have been praying regularly for the sick for the past 10 years.

We have seen patients tearing up the formal cancer diagnoses papers because they have been healed, people with Parkinson's with severe mobility problems getting up from the wheelchair and worshiping the Lord, dangerous food intolerances and allergies leaving (for example celiac disease), unequal legs lengthening and coming to their normal length and so much more.

What I do know for sure is that the Lord is healing today. Healing is in His will and He has already redeemed it on the cross. As a child of His, healing is your family right and the more you understand His Word and His promises, the more you will experience it in your own life!

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" Prov. 23:7

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