
Monday, March 24, 2014

Unlocking mysteries of Heaven -The parable of the sower - part 2

Unlocking mysteries of Heaven -The parable of the sower - part 2
BY Argie Simonis          

Ιn my previous message I have been sharing about the parable of the sower from Mark 4:3-20. We see the sower (God) who sows the seed (His Word) and falls into 4 different types of ground which represent 4 different conditions of our heart.
I decided to divide this message into 4 parts, one for each condition. This will be the second part and I encourage you to read part one as well in order to have a better and more complete view on the subject.

Let me remind you that people do not come immediately good ground. Our heart get into a progressive growth. You just can't instantly be producing 100%. As we saw in the first step, people do not have a heart for the Word. It never gets into their understanding and satan comes and steal it from them.

Lets go further now:
"And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth.
But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away." (Mark 4:5-6)

The second step is when people start to see the potential of the Word and get excited about it. They receive it with gladness but there is no root. They get offended (Mark 4:17). They don't see that there is a time element there. The Word needs to get roots in your heart and this takes time.
Some people get really excited with the Word, but eventually they turn away from it as quickly as they came into it. When a person seems really excited and enthusiastic with the Word, it doesn't neccessarily means that the Word is really working in their lives. These are more emotional people. Their life is like going up to the highest and falling down to the lowest all the time. There is no balance and no discipline in their life.

This is the reason that many people do not see the same result in their lives like in other people's lives. It is not important to preach other people's revelations or what God told them, but to preach what God told YOU and became YOUR revelation. The Word must take root in you. Other's people's revelations may stir you up, give you directions or ideas, but you can't live your life based on other people's revelations. Meditate on the Word and make it real for you!

Satan knows that it is much easier for him to get you when you are young and vulnerable with no deep roots in the Word, through afflictions and persecution (public opinion, criticism) but I guarantee you that the fruit the Word will bring forth in your life surely worths fighting for!
If a person's heart is closed and hardened (you can take a look on a previous article I have posted about the hardened heart) the Word can't find it's way in. It has to get through your understanding first (Matt. 13:19). They don't take effort and time to get the Word rooted in their heart, so it can't withstand the criticism and opposition that comes against the Word.

When a tree is small you have to place it in a protected place to keep it safe from the wind and storms. It is immature and hasn't grown roots yet. The same goes with revelation. When you first get it you must protect it and keep it safe. You must be in a greenhouse. What do I mean by that?
There will be people, even from your close environment who will oppose you, criticise you and mock you because of the Word. Just like it happened with Jesus. That's the time when you have to choose the people you hang out with. The Word has a cost. It will cost you some friendships, relatives and some of your time but the Word works!  See the example of an oak tree. When it is small it is volnerable to the wind and storm but when it grows big with deep roots it can withstand a hurricane! Do you want to be like this oak tree? Then let the Word take deep roots in your heart and put it first priority in your life.

In 2Timothy we read:  "And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2Τim. 3:12)

You see, persecution comes with the package. The world is against the Word, so if you take your stand as a christian you have to go against the flow and there will be opposition. Many people instead of repenting they will try to discredit your testimony that brings conviction in their heart. It is like a court. The lawyer of defense is always trying to discredit a contemning testimony of a witness. The easiest way of those people to overcome the conviction of your testimony is to discredit you and attack you.

Now picture this: It is like you are running a race, you are leading it and you are going to win, but still people watching are yelling at you trying to tell you that you are on the wrong track. Even if you try to go and argue with them, and even if you manage to persuade them you are on the right track, you will loose the race. My point is that you don't have to justify yourself. The Lord has called you to preach the Word, not promote or vindicate yourself:

"Casting all your care on him; for he cares for you." (1Pet. 5:7)

  "No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn." (Isaiah 54:17)

Words spoken against you are weapons (Proverbs 18:21). When something comes against the Word of God you have to encounter it and contemn it right away. Don't let it germinate and contaminate your heart. Even if you loose friends or family when you stand for the Word, the Lord promises to restore it a hundred fold (Mark 10:29-30)

Criticism, rejection and persecution are the no 1 weapons of the enemy to steal the seed from your heart. The Word will bring consistency in your life. No more ups and downs, mountain tops and valley lows. Meditate on the Word day and night (Joshua 1:8-9). Getting offended (skandalo in greek) doesn't mean you reject the Word, but you become unstable, unsure, insecure.
In Isaiah 54:17 in conjuction with 1Cor. 15:33, we see that evil words can corrupt you but you must contemn them immediately.

Jesus and His desciples caused either a riot or a revival. The ones that persecute you are the ones that get conviction in their heart. God is dealing with them and they have either to accept it or reject it. If you protect the Word in your heart it will produce fruit. It is the only way to transform your life with everlasting effects.

Part 3 coming soon...

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