
Friday, March 21, 2014

Unlocking mysteries of Heaven -The parable of the sower - part 1

Unlocking mysteries of Heaven -The parable of the sower - part 1
BY Argie Simonis          

In this parable we see the sower (God) who sows  the seed (which is the Word of God), falling in 4 different types of soil which shows the conditions of our hearts. I decided to divide this message into 4 parts, each part for each condition. This will be the first part.

Jesus spoke great truths in His parables in order for people to get more revelation of the Kingdom of God, but see how important is to understand this parable:  

"And he said to them, Know you not this parable? and how then will you know all parables?" (Mark 4:13)

Notice that these 4 different conditions are progressive steps in the heart. People do not come immediately good ground. You have to prepare the ground, take off the weeds etc. Our hearts don't instantly produce 100% of what the Word of God wants to produce in our life. Let us take a look in the first condition:

"Listen; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: 
And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up." (Mark 4:3-4)

The seed here fell onto the path. It stays on the surface of the hard ground so the birds can eat it. This refers to people that hear the Word, but it gets in through the left ear and gets out from the right without allowing the Word to have any impact in their life what so ever.

Now watch this. In the version of Matthew for the same parable we read:

"When any one hears the word of the kingdom, and understands it not, then comes the wicked one, and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side." (Μatt. 13:19)

The first type of heart is a person who didn't understand. In order to get the Word of God working in our life, it must be understood. It has to be presented simply in order to be understood. That's why we have churches with children and youth ministries. You don't change the message but you apply it in terms that a child can understand. You only change the illustration. A great communicator is not the one that talks over people's heads but someone who can make you understand his point in a simple and clear way. You have to understand the Word in order to be able to release it's power. Our understanding (reasoning) is the top soil that the seed needs to get through in order to get into our heart. 

If you don't understand the Word, satan will immediately come and steal it. He has access to a person that does not understand. You can't fix a car if you don't understand how it works. Likewise there are many people praying for healing, but without understanding how healing works you can't get the result you want. People pray for prosperity but they don't understand the laws of prosperity and what the Word says about prosperity!

Meditate on the Word and "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32).  
You will start seeing things not from your prespective, but from God's point of view and I guarantee you this will transform your life. Praise God!

Part 2 coming soon...

Recomended Book "Effortless Change" by Andrew Wommack

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