
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Release life into your life!

Release life into your life!
BY Argie Simonis                                                                                                                                

Have you ever been praying a prayer of faith and seemed like nothing happened? May be got into the Word of God, planted a seed, prayed for a miracle but still no answer?

Many people stop believing at that point. In Mark 11:24 we read: "Therefore I say to you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them." The Bible says to believe when you pray that you have received.
According to Matthew 7:7 if we ask it shall be given to us. However, if we don't see an immediate answer to our prayer we can get discouraged and say that may be not everyone receives. Do you know that this is not biblical? The exact following verse says: "For every one that asks receives". If this is your case, it means that you have allowed thoughts of disbelieve to steal your excitement and expectation from God.

We have to aknowledge our responsibility to carry out God's will. The fact that God is all powerful and all mighty doesn't mean that His will comes to pass no matter what we do. God is bound by His own laws. In second Peter 3:9 we read that it is not God's will that anyone should perish, but still people loose heaven when they die! In order for people to get saved, someone has to preach the Gospel. God's will does not automatically come to pass. He gave us authority over the devil and we must excercice what we have been given.

We must learn to interpret our circumstances by God's Word and not God's Word by our circumstances. If someone for example doesn't get healed after been prayed for,  doesn't give us the right to make our own theology out of it denying that the healing of God is not for every one. So, here comes the question: How can we harmonize the fact that God is faithful to His promises, even if we have beleived in the best of our ability and yet didn't see it coming to pass?

There is a  physical world and a spiritual world. The physical was created by the spiritual. Before any physical manifestation takes place, there is always a spiritual reality behind it. You can have a taste of this by reading the story  of Elisha in 2 Kings 6, with the Syrian army surrounding Elisha, and the chariots of fire with the angels ready to defend them.

Some people think it is not proper to say that you are healed when you don't feel healed. Well, feelings are based only on your five senses. The area you are operating in is the area you will experience things. If you really want to experience breakthroughs in your life, you have to walk in the spirit. 
"It is the spirit that vivifies; the flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63)

The Word is the truth. We are limited when we trust only in our five senses. Just because you can't see, touch, smell, hear or taste doesn't mean that God didn't do it. God always answers when you pray according to His will. His answer comes first in the spiritual realm and faith is the key that brings this answer into the physical realm:
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Heb 11:1)
You have to believe something is happening beyond your five senses. If you don't believe it until you see it, you won't receive from God. The Bible says you have to believe that you receive when you pray.

Let's see an example of what takes place between the time you say amen and the manifestation of your prayer. In Daniel 9:20 we see Daniel praying and the angel Gabriel appears and says (verse 23): "At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee."  
We see God answering his prayer instantly! Sometimes it takes just a little time to manifest in the physical.

In Daniel 10, Daniel is praying again. This time he was fasting and praying for three weeks! In verse 10 God sents His answer. Why did it take a few moments the first time and three weeks the second time for Daniel to receive his answer? Some believe that God is deliberately making them wait in order to teach them something. Well, the Bible says that the Scripture is given to teach us (2Tim 3:16). We can of course learn through trials, but God doesn't send them to teach us (James 1:13). 

In verse 12, the angel told Daniel that God heard his prayer the first day and sent the answer. What held up the answer? We see that there was a spiritual warfare going on for three weeks with satan trying to keep the answer from reaching Daniel. In the Old Testament people did not have authority over satan. In the New Testament though, things are different: "Behold, I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:19).
We don't have to wait for the devil to run his course.If you pray and don't see manifestation immediately, you must take an active stand against the devil and bring it into being.

Satan may use people to hinter your prayer. Sometimes, other people are involved in your answer. If you are praying for finances, pray for the people who will be used in your prosperity. If you are trying to sell a house, pray for the person who will buy your house. If you want a promotion at work, pray for the boss who will be used to give you your promotion. If you think that you  don't have enough faith to believe for a miracle, then you should meditate on Romans 12:3, where you can read that God has dealt to every man THE measure of faith, meaning that we all have received ther same measure of faith, which in combination with Galatians 2:20, it is the faith of Jesus: 
"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." (Gal 2:20)
Paul uses the faith of Jesus. You have the same amount of faith that Jesus has! That should be more than enough to see your prayer come to pass! 

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