
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Frame Your Miracle!

Frame Your Miracle!
BY Argie Simonis                                                                                                                                

 Miracle - The supernatural intervention of God over the natural laws in a crisis situation.
I think this is a simple definition of the word.
I am sure that all of us have been in a tough place dealing with health, finances or relationship issues and really had a need of a miracle. If you have not been there yet I am sure that you will be one day! But how do I receive a miracle from God?

It is sad to see that many christians do not know how to receive a miracle from God or even worse are not aware that God still performs miracles today; but even if you do believe that God is able to do it, it is just not enough. You have to learn how to receive it!

The best thing to start wth is don't wait until a storm hits you to learn how to believe God for a miracle. During that storm your emotions will cancel out your faith, and the Bible teaches that we can only receive by faith (Hebrew 11:8,13,17,31,39).

We must understand that there are natural and spiritual laws operating around us. For example if you let go off a stone holding on your hand, it will fall on the ground due to the law of gravity.If someone jumbs off a building and dies, you may wonder why God did that. Well, He didn't, but there are laws that He put in place. In a few words, if you cooperate with God's laws you will be fine. If you ignore those laws you may be killed, even if those laws were intended for your own good. The same goes with the spiritual laws of God.

Faith is governed by laws: "Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? No: but by the law of faith." Romans 3:27

The kingdom of God operates under law. It is consistent.
So, how do you receive a miracle from God? First, you must recognize that a miracle is not an accidental happening. You learn the laws of God and how they work, and miracles WILL happen. I'm not saying you can push a button and God pops out or you can make God do whatever you want. I'm saying God is turned on all the time and any time and if you get turned on and tune in with Him, you can see the power of God operate. God is always wanting to move on your behalf. God is for you — He is a good God!

You are the one who controls God's ability in your life. God doesn't. It is by God's power and His ability, but it's up to you. The Scripture says in Ephesians 3:20, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Many people leave off that last phrase, "according to the power that worketh in us." You are responsible for allowing that power to flow through you. God has chosen to never violate your will. Satan can't stop God's power, but you can! God wants you to have a miracle, but you have to stop waiting and start believing.

God did all His miracles by the spoken Word. When God creates, He speaks it into existence by His Word:
"(... who (God) vivifies the dead, and calls those things which be not as though they were. (Rom. 4:17)
In Genesis, He created the world by the spoken Word. Hebrews 11 tells us, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

The important point is that your words are involved in your miracle. Many Christians put prayer above all and believe that if you pray, it will happen. Prayer is like water or fertilizer that you put on the seed. But, without planting a seed, watering is useless. If God was moved by need, every person's need would be met.
I believe every one of us has a spiritual womb where the Word of God enters in, springs up and we conceive a miracle. Sometimes you may receive a miracle as a gift through someone else's faith. You can't depend on someone else; God wants you to be able to conceive a miracle. Meditate on the Word day and night, and you will get spiritually pregnant and bring forth fruit.
A farmer can't expect to have a harvest of corn unless he plants seeds of corn; likewise it's impossible to have a miracle without planting the Word of God. Some of us haven't had the seed planted in us, but we want the crop. "There is a time of sowing and reaping" (Gal. 6:9).

We don't just naturally grow up believing God. It takes renewing our minds. God's Word is the most important step to receive a miracle. Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." You can't just know the Word intellectually. You must meditate on it so it becomes living and active on the inside of you. Most of us don't meditate on the Word as we should. We are occupied and don't have time, and we are upset with God when we don't receive our miracle. That's just as foolish as the farmer who didn't plant his seed but was upset when he didn't receive a crop.

If God's Word is planted in your heart, you'll receive. It doesn't matter what you feel — God's Word will produce a miracle!

To be continued... :-)

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