
Saturday, August 19, 2023

How do demons enter people? (Part 1)

 BY Argie Simonis 

My wife and I do Βiblical marriage counseling and we have seen and heard a lot. Everything I speak today is through our experiences from our ministry and always through the light of God's word. Over the years we have heard incredible testimonies about how the devil  attacks marriage and I hope these will help some of you who are facing similar problems.

There are three main ways entry:

- Inheritance

- Invasion

- Involvement

I will take them in order and please pay attention because some of them you may recognize in your own life. Half the solution to a problem is to recognize the problem you have:

1. Inheritance

There are demons that are passed down from generation to generation. How exactly it is done, I don't know.

- Sometimes it can be done during deliverance, where they are transferred from one family member to another.

- Other times they are transmitted through generational curses. Here I will be more specific with an example:

Here in Norway, we have a brother, long in the Christian faith, who asked me and my wife Peggy to meet and pray.
He told us that his mother had chronic celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that causes chronic diarrhea, difficulty in growing (for children), and fatigue. It is also called gluten enteropathy because it causes disturbances when the person eats anything that contains gluten. It causes pallor (paleness) and weight loss. It is a very bad thing. This brother had all these symptoms.

He told us that the day his mother died and he went to say goodbye to her on her deathbed, he felt something "came" inside him. Since then he started having the same symptoms as his mother. And this has been happening for years. We rebuked this spirit of sickness and the brother was set free! He even got us his doctor's report, who basically couldn't explain what happened because the only effective treatment forthis sickness is a lifetime gluten-free diet.

  - There are testimonies of people who felt that something came inside them in the cemetery, when they buried a relative. 
You know, spirits don't die . They usually go to the nearest relative and if this relative is not a believer, does not live for Christ and has not renounced the curse that runs in his family they find an entrance door.

- Some have demons that, as I mentioned in the previous message, live hidden in their basement (in their bodies) and begin to manifest and harass these individuals immediately after a traumatic experience or a major change in their life.

Another example:
A girl had come and asked us for prayer. Her friends had pressured her into bungee jumping. She was afraid to do it, but she finally went. She told us that when she jumped she felt such horror that she started having chronic phobias and nightmares.

A word of advice for married people, and especially for men: If your wife is being attacked by evil spirits, your first concern is not to try to cast them out every day, but to love her. And I say this because if you spend more time in delivering than loving your wife, there is not a single reference in the Bible that says 
"husbands deliver your wives". 

-- Don't get me wrong, deliverance has its place, and I'll explain that later.--

But your first mission is to love her, to pray for her, and when she is ready and asks you, then you do it.

In the previous message I spoke about the strongholds that the devil build in a man's mind. Even when the demon is gone, these strongholds must be pulled down. And this only happens when the person knows the truth:

"and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John. 8:32

Marriage is like a garden. To thrive, there are three basic principles:

- Plant seeds,

- Pull out the weeds


- Kill the snakes.

When some do not understand how deliverance ministry works, instead of killing the snakes, they kill the wife. To kill the snakes you have to attack the spiritual forces that are behind those snakes.

You have to learn

- how to build a person


- how to fight the dark forces that keep it bound, and those are two different things you have to learn to do.


Another way demons are inherited is within the mother's womb and this usually happens when the child is conceived out of wedlock and is not wanted.

Another case is when the pregnancy is the result of rape, and during it there is hatred, anger and various other negative emotions.

Even if there was no previous rape, the mother may begin to speak negatively and repeat expressions such as

- "I didn't want to get pregnant,"

- "I don't want this child".

Do you know what's usually going to happen? A spirit of rejection finds an open door and enters, and when that child reaches adolescence, this rejection also invites rebellion, and parents wonder why their child has turned into a rebel. Rejection always attracts rebellion and often passivity.
But the good news is that

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1John 1:9

If something like this has happened to you as a parent, it is never too late to repent and ask for forgiveness from God and from your child.

That's why it's very important when you get pregnant, be very careful with your words and your moods. I know it's not easy, but remember that your words have power and you would never want your child 20 years from now to have to deal with things that you allowed in their life.


Let's go on to the second method of entry:

2. Invasion

This usually happens to a child at a very young age. I will give an example:
When the parents divorce, a child's soul is not ready to face such a heavy burden. It causes great pain and confusion. Something inside it breaks and becomes vulnerable. Some kids may get over it, but some may not. At that very vulnerable moment, something enters them, that later in their lives will begin to manifest.

Here I want to explain something. Demons are thieves and they come to steal your life. A thief will not try to enter your home through the armored door you have at the main entrance. He will look for an open window or an easy lock to break into the back of the house or warehouse. He will look for something that he can easily access.

For demons, this easy access is when you are small and vulnerable and will pick on your greatest moment of weakness. If a child is in a spiritualy healthy environment, has support and is raised properly by the parents, then that child can withstand many hits.
But some children do not belong to this category, and as soon as something traumatic happens to them the enemy invades and gradually all these behaviors that I described before, slowly begin to manifest over the years .


Another way evil spirits invade is through sexual abuse or sexual harassment. Rape is in the first place here.
Someone may think this is not fair at all, and I completely agree. But the thief won't feel sorry for you when you forget to lock your car door, because a thief doesn't think like you do.

Demons think with perversion and seek to find legal rights over your life. They don't care about your traumatic experiences, or your tears, or how hurt you are.


3. Involvement.

In the previous message I referred to the example of the owner who rents one or some of the rooms of his house to tenants, who sign contracts and have the keys to the house to enter in and leave whenever they want.

If you get involved in witchcraft and the occult, you signs contracts with the devil. Magic and the occult have become so popular in our society today that they are considered innocent.
If you talk to the dead, if you consult mediums, astrology, tarot cards, movies or videos about spells and magic, atsral projections and the like, you are exposing yourself to the demonic realm and getting involved in very dangerous things.

In other words, what happens when you deal with such things is that you enter into an enemy territory and give the enemy the legal right not only to tempt you, but to torture you.

Let me give an example:

Have you seen the "Beware of the dog" sign on the outer gate of a house?
This means that there is a guard dog in the house which is usually quite ferocious. In order to avoid accidents, most of the time this dog has its house out there in the yard and is restrained with a chain that keeps its reach only to the main entrance of the house, in order to discourage potential thieves, but also to avoid an accident to some visitor who will come.

Let's take the scenario where the dog sleeps inside his house and is out of sight. If a child now goes into the yard to pick up a dropped ball or a toy, ignores the warning sign, walks up to the dog and wakes it up, can you imagine what might happen? There are many such incidents in the newspapers.

Now let's take it practically. The devil hates us:

"... He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44


"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:" 1Peter 5:8

But he cannot swallow whoever he wants. If he could, there would be no living man on earth. There are spiritual laws that restrain him, like a chain to a dog. He can't torture everyone, which means he can't bite everyone.
But he can bark, bringing temptation to everyone, as he tempted Jesus Himself in the desert.
What does the barking do? It brings accusations, doubts and negative thoughts. It's definitely very annoying, but not super painful.

However, it is very different when he bites you. Here comes demonization, where it doesn't just harass you, but will make you bleed. Do you know when this happens? When you enter a forbidden area that you knew God's word warned you not to. You don't have to be a super Christian to know this. How many times have you known in your conscience that what you were not supposed to do what you've been doing?

- "I shouldn't be talking to my dead grandmother."
- "I shouldn't be reading that book of spells I found on the internet."

"But that's just white magic"...

There is no white and black magic. There is just magic. Remember the expression "curiosity killed the cat?"
Many times curiosity, combined with the "open mindness" in today's society that promotes the tendency to be "open minded" and to respect all cultures without exception, good or bad, can bring disaster.

For example, we don't want to make our neighbor who practices yoga feel bad, and instead of warning him that this practice is spiritually dangerous, we hang out with him and learn to align our chakra with Brahma and the third eye, because we want to experience other cultures.

When my wife went to Bergen for a few days to a clinic as follow-up and for physiotherapy after her spine surgery , the doctors there were teaching -medi yioga-, thinking that the word -medi- comes from the word -medical-. In other words, they thought they were teaching medical yoga. But if you google it, that's actualy meditation yioga, which means that you learn hoe to meditate through yoga. 

In short, what they did was teach you how to "empty" your thoughts and how to see with the "third eye". Yoga includes exercises for the physical condition of the body, but who examines the spirituality and the demonic roots of this practice that originates from old Hindu rituals? Do you understand how dangerous this can be spiritually?

Fortunately when Peggy explained this to the supervisors, they took it very seriously and said they would revise their entire program because there were also many Christians there at the clinic who refused to take yoga classes.

You don't need to put your hand in the socket to see if electricity kills. Some experiences should be avoided. So when you see some people entering such fields, you can say:
"No thanks. This is not for me and my family".


4. Demons are cast out and the flesh is crucified.

I referred  on this on my previous message. Here I will get deeper and explain:
The opposite cannot happen. Our flesh does not leave with the demons. Demons are not crucified, but cast out, and our flesh is not cast out, but crucified:

"And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Gal. 5:24

One might ask:
How do you tell if the problem is the flesh or a demon?

Very good question, and I'll explain:
My approach on this is very simple. Jesus said:

"And if your right eye offend you, pluck it out, and cast it from you: for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into hell." Μatt. 5:29

"Why if your hand or your foot offend you, cut them off, and cast them from you: it is better for you to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire." Μatt. 18:8

Of course here Jesus is not literally talking about either willful blindness or mutilation. What He means is that if something you see offends you and makes you sin (pornography, horror movies, violence, magic) stop watching them, and stop doing things you shouldn't do.

So if you have "taken out" your eye and something continues to see, then you have company. If, for example, you have stopped watching pornography, if you have stopped undressing with your eyes every woman who passes in front of you, and yet you continue to see inappropriate images either in your sleep or even imagine them when you are awake, then you have company.

If you have "cut off" your hand (you have stopped bad habits for example) and something keeps touching you, then you have company.

Let's get to the practical part now. Someone comes and tells me that he has a spirit lust and wants deliverance.

My first question is:
- Have you sacrificed anything? 
- Are you abstaining from pornography? 
- Have you stopped sleeping around? 
- Do you practice discipline in your life?

In other words, what have you done to fight the desires of the flesh?

Notice, lust can be both a desire of the flesh and a demon.

- Before we even get into the deliverance process, we start with four basic questions:

- Do you read the Bible? 
And that's because, even if do deliverance, you HAVE to read the Bible.

- Are you fasting?

- Do you pray regularly? 
And I don't mean praying for hours. Do you spend time with the Lord? Do you abide in His presence?

- Have you set limits on your use of social media, the internet and anything that might lead you to pornography?

It is very important to understand that if you don't do your part (according to all these questions I mentioned), chances are that even if you get rid of the demon that is creating these problems, you will soon find yourself having them again.

So I'll ask you: Are you sure you want to get rid of this demon since you're not willing to stay clean? Even if you get rid of it, it won't make any difference.

It's like having a debt of 52,000. Even if I give you the 2,000 (meaning you get rid of the demon), you still owe 50,000.
So in this case, hold your demon because first, you are not sure whether it is a demon or your flesh that is causing the problem. Begin with the basics, with Bible study, prayer and fasting and keep away from sinful practices.

You may feel weak, but so will the demon, -IF- it is a demon. If it is NOT a demon, putting discipline in your life and following God's instructions through His word, then the problem will go away. It will be over, done deal.

But if it IS a demon, be sure that this demon will be provoked and you will understand it as clearly as when you watch a high definition movie on TV. 4K HD!
If you are not sure right now whether the problem you are facing is your flesh or an evil spirit, it means that there is no discipline in your life.

For example, you struggle with depression.
- Do you have a job? 
- No, but I have a spirit of depression.

Ok, but the word of God tells us that we should work and not be lazy. The apostle Paul even writes:

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies." 2Thes. 3:10-11

Do you see that even gossip can bring depression?

So instead of being lazy and gossiping others, why don't you go get a job first? After 8 hours of hard work, most probably your number one problem will not be depression, but fatigue.

UNLESS you have a demon. In this case the job may not solve your problem, but it will help you understand what you are dealing with.

Going straight to deliverance without even addressing the issue of the desire of the flesh, (because as I said we all have flesh), will not solve your problem.


5. Demons are expelled, but strongholds are pulled down.

In the previous point I showed that demons are cast out, but the flesh is crucified.
Now I will explain that  The opposite cannot be done. You can't pull down demons, or expell strongholds.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" 2Cor. 10:5

Open doors are how demons enter, and strongholds are how demons stay. The mission of a demon has a dual purpose, like the two sides of a coin:

- First, they want to destroy your life,

- second, to build a stronghold. Do you know why; Because when they build that stronghold in your mind and thoughts, even when you drive them out you'll still feel demonized even if you're not. Your own thoughts will torment you and continue to do the work of this demon you harbored within you.

This is exactly what happened to the people of Israel when, after leaving Egypt, they continued to suffer in the desert. While they were enslaved to the Pharaoh and were building him pyramids and whatever else he asked of them, the Pharaoh was also building something inside them, inside their minds.

I've watched tv shows from dog trainers on how to train your dog to follow you without a leash for example. You start with a short leash, and for quite some time you walk with your dog in circles in your yard. He'll try to get away, run off to do his own thing, but you hold him by the leash while you walk and he's forced to follow you. 
He may bark, protest, try to get away, but you continue.

You stop regularly, and he is forced to stop with you. At some point, after you keep doing it for days, you take off the leash and keep walking as normal. Guess what will happen? The dog will walk and stop with you without the leash!

When I saw it, I was very impressed, but do you know that something similar happens to us? You repeatedly try to do something and fail.

For example, you struggle with a spirit of sickness and you have not experienced the healing you hope for. This over time begins to build within you a train of thoughts that intensify and begin to dominate your mind.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..." Proverbs 23:7

When you succeed in driving the demon out, this does not mean that your victory is complete.

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." John 8:36

Combine this with something Jesus says just above:

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

Do you know what's happening here?

- Jesus casts out demons, meaning that the demons obey to His name and come out, 


- the truth pulls down the strongholds in your mind.

It is not the truth you hear that will pull down these strongholds, but the truth that you will know personally, the truth that will be revealed to you.

To be continued...

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