
Saturday, April 12, 2014

How do I walk on water?

How do I walk on water?
BY Argie Simonis         

One of the things that really fascinates me with the Bible is that when reading the 4 gospels is like watching the life of Jesus been recorded by 4 cameras shooting from 4 different angles! In this message I'll be sharing from Matthew 14:22-32, where the desciples were sailing in the midst of a storm and Jesus came to them walking on water and saved them.

Before I get any further, I want to point out a few things. This story is also mentioned in Mark chapter 6 and in John chapter 6 as well but notice this: Only Matthew records Peter walking on water to Jesus (Mat. 14:29), only Mark records that Jesus would have passed them and wouldn't help them if they haven't called out (Mark 6:45-51) and only John records that when Jesus went on the boat they were immediately translated to the other side of the sea (John 6:16-21). Putting all this information together you can get a better understanding of the story.

In Matthew 14:22-32 Peter actually walked on water towards Jesus! Today we may not need to literally walk on water, but this miraculous event can demonstrate how we believe God for things and how we respond to Him. 

It is interesting when we see in Matthew 14:22 Jesus compeling (in other words forcing) His desciples to get into the boat. This means that there was a kind of resistance from them. You see, most of them were fishermen and they could read the weather, so they probably saw the storm coming and didn't want to get into the boat. 

"And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea." (Mat. 14:25)

The fourth watch of the night is between 03:00' and 06:00'. They started sailing around sunset (around 18:00'). So at that point after at least of 9 hours of sailing, they have been just half way across the sea of Galilea. I did some research and I found out that it is around a 2 miles distance and it takes just 2 hours to cross that sea with good weather conditions! To their credit, instead of turning the boat around and head back to the shore, they still obeyed the Lord. If you want to be a water walker, if you really want to experience the miraculous, overcome obstacles and see God come through you, you have to position yourself for a miracle. The desciples could have lean to their own understanding and abandom their goal because their life was on stake. 

The reason that many people miss the miraculous in their life is because they primarely concern about themselves, leaning onto their own understanding and not following what God told them to do. If you really want to see the miraculous in your life, you must keep on doing what God told you to do even when facing a storm and things start to look bad. Just picture a dog with a bone. It clamps it and never let it go! Even if it doesn't make sense and everybody tells you to quit, you have to keep on doing what God told you to do. Simple and profound! 
This is the only time mentioned in the Bible that someone else walks on water (except Jesus). Wouldn't you like to have a testimony like this in the area of finances, healing, job etc.? Start taking risks then, step out and obey God. Put yourself into a position for a miracle!

There is a reason that Jesus came walking on water and there is a reason that Peter walked on water. God is never late. He may not appear as fast as we expect or the way we want Him to, but He always comes.

"For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance." (Rom. 11:29)

Don't quit! If God has called you to do something there is always a way to get out from the place you are right now and get back on track on the original plan of God for your life. It is like the GPS. It always re-calculates your course even if you made a wrong turn and gets you back on the right course. If you missed it, repent and ask God to show you how to get back on the right track. And when He shows you, stay there and keep on pressing to that direction.

In Mark 6:45-51 we see that Jesus would have passed them if they didn't cry out to Him. People think that their problem is so big that not even God can help them. They miss to experience the miraculous in their life because they don't cry out to God for His intervention. 

"... you have not, because you ask not." (James 4:2)

God knows our needs, but does not automaticaly supply them. I may not understand all the reasons that someone does not receive, but I can tell you that God wants a relationship with us. He wants us to ask, to correspond, to be in a relationship with Him. In 1Peter 2:24 we read that by His stripes we are healed, but you have to believe it, open up your heart and receive it in order for that healing to manifest. 

In Ephesians 1:3 we read that God has already blessed us but you have to ask and receive these things. 
"Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11)

God wants a relationship with us. Ιf you don't pursue the things of God, you won't get them. They will not happen automaticaly. 
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: 
For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened." (Mat. 7:7-8)

It takes some effort from our part. We have to believe in Him for the answer we need, but still many people when in crisis the first thing to do is to seek first their doctor, their lawyer, their banker or even other spiritual solutions that substitute God. 

If you want to see the miraculous in your life, you have to trust God and place a demand upon Him!

In Exodus 3:2-4 we read about Moses and the burning bush. When God saw Moses turning to the bush, then He called him with an audible voice. If God wanted to have Moses attention, why didn't He call Him with an audible voice? God reveals Himself in subtle ways, but if you are not a person who are looking for Him and beleiving in Him, you can miss Him. If the desciples were so consumed with themselves, they could have missed their deliverance! 

In a previous post I wrote about the hardness of heart (which I encourage you to read), I get deeper into Mark 6:52: "For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened."

They shouldn't have been overwhelmed. They should have been expecting for Jesus to appear. Many people are so focused and used to live in the natural, that they don't even expect anything supernatural to take place in their life. There is nothing wrong with the natural when it is in it's proper place. But you need to go beyond the natural in a crisis situation and expect the supernatural. If your life is not supernatural, it is superficial. 

Why didn't Jesus just stopped the storm and take their problem away? Before you see your deliverance, you must first take a step of faith. He asked them to be of good cheer before the storm ceased. He told them not to be afraid when there was every reason to be afraid. We can see the same example in Luke 7:12-15 when Jesus resurrects the widow's son. First He told her to weep not. Why didn't He just raise her son?
There must always be a response of faith. There must be something present in us in order for Him to flow through us. 

"Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. (Εph. 3:20)

There must be a response of faith. "But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)

If God was automaticaly solving all our problems, all people would be healed, prosperous and saved today. If you feel like drawning, it is time for you to exhibit some faith and praise Him! 

Next week I will make a summary of this message and I will mention some lessons from Peter's attitude that will be very useful if we apply them in our daily life. Don't miss it.

God bless you all!

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