
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Decisions determine destiny

Decisions determine destiny
BY Argie Simonis                                                                                                                                

Do you believe in destiny? I do! In fact I believe in destiny based on the choises we make. I believe that your decisions determine your destiny.

Let me illustrate this with an example.Let's say you want to go on a trip. You don't just grab your laggage, get on the first plane available and go where ever it takes you to. First you have to choose a destination, plan the trip, check the route, choose a transportation and take all necessary actions to get you to your goal. You may not do everything perfect, but if you stick to the plan you will get where you want to go.

Likewise, you make decisions every day that either move you closer to God's planed destiny for you, or away from it. May be you think that God's plan will come to pass to your life by just waiting and doing nothing. Well, that's a deception! The plan that God has for your life involves also other people, and that's what makes it constantly moving and changing dynamic. It’s like catching a flight. There is always a possibility of missing it.

It’s true that the Lord can get you to your destiny in another way. His ways are much better than our ways and He is certainly smarter than we are.
There is always a later flight with God. We can see that with the thief on the cross. His got his flight just before he died (Luke 23:43). But who wants to get through all this hassle, disapointment and delay that comes from missing a flight? Don't you want God's best? I do!

Just think of all these great "heros of faith" mentioned in the Bible. Think of all those people you know and admire for their faith. What would all of these people’s lives have been like if they hadn’t made the decisions they did? An even greater question might be, what would the lives of the millions of people they’ve affected have been like without them? Every one of us has a God-planned  destiny that is designed to touch others. We can even be carriers of other people's miracles. You see, God uses people as vessels to perform His miracles. I know it is not possible to have a full understanding of this but I am sure that the lives of millions of people were changed simply because these "heroes of faith" made the right decisions.

Are you certain that the decisions you are making every day are the ones the Lord wants you to make? You may not intentionally decide to miss your destiny. May be you are getting too busy with the cares of life, worry too much with the situation around you, and before you know it you get stuck in a place that seems so hard to get out of! But remember, your life is the result of choices. YOUR choices. Others can influence or hinder you, but your choices are the determining factor of your destiny. It is never too late to make the right choices.

I was raised in a quite relegious christian environment, Greek-orthodox. Since my childhood, I was praying to God for me and my family in a simple child's way. And that was great!  But after getting in high-school, I started moving away from God and enjoying the pleasures of life with all the consequences that came along with the package. It was my choise. Nobody forced me to do it.

My spiritual life started with a choise as well. It was the time when I met my wife. I am so grateful that the Lord used her to stir up my faith and draw me close to Him, but you see even then I had to make a choise. I am glad that I've made the right one, an absolute and complete, unconditional surrender to the Lord and I can taste the fruit of that choise in my life today. God revealed Himself to me in a way that changed my life forever. I have never been and will never be the same!

"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the LORD." (2Cor 3:18)

It is a constant change and it only goes upwards! I aim for the top! Decisions do determine destiny, but those decisions must be based on the truth of the Word. It was the Word of God that changed my life, and it will change your life as well!
The Lord has awesome things planned for your life. Regardless of what things look like now, the right decisions you make can change everything!

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jer 29:11)


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